Sat & Sun Swim - 290203

Sat. 12:15 Lev. 2 - 3


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Activity Details

Sat. 12:15 Lev. 2 - 3

Meeting Details

Time: 12:15 pm - 12:45 pm
Days: Sat
Middle School Pool
135 School Road
Weston, CT, 06883


Registration OPEN
Age older than or equal to 6.00 and younger than or equal to 12.99. The date used for calculating the age is Transaction Date.

Sat. 12:15 Lev. 2 - 3

American Red Cross Learn to Swim Levels 2-3
Level 2 introduction to swim skills, bobbing, front float, back float, kicking, reaching arms all with assistance from instructors, as well as getting comfortable and learning to be safe in the water.
Level 3 swimmers will work on more independent swim skills. Class will move on to deeper areas of the pool. Jumping & diving will be introduced. New water safety skills and rules will be reviewed.

All swimmers will receive a progress report at the end of the session.


Charge When Not Billed:
Sat. 12:15 Lev. 2 - 3 (Standard Fee): $200.00 = $200.00
Charge When Not Billed:
Sat. 12:15 Lev. 2 - 3 (Standard Fee): $200.00 = $200.00
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